Car369 Madhatters Golf Day 2023 raised $18,574 for Camp Quality

 Golf Day 2023 Header

Details of the day are as follows...


4 Ball Ambrose. Open to GA handicapped and non Handicapped players.
(non handicapped players will be given Handicaps - 18-Male, 25-Female).

Player admission includes: breakfast, lunch, 18 holes each. The first 18 teams registered will also have 2 carts per team 


7:00am Check-In  (updated)
7:30am Breakfast
8:15am Briefing
8:30am Shotgun start.
1:00pm Lunch following your game.

Opportunities for:

On Course

- $20,000 Hole-In-One
- Nearest the Pin
- Pay the PRO to Drive the Green
- Chuck-It-In
- Play Against The Pro

Off Course

- 1st / 2nd / 3rd
- Raffles
- Silent Auction
- Mystery Prize

Total of prizes in excess of $8,500.

Ways that you can support our GOLF DAY:

1. $700 - Sponsor a hole & Play (4 players)

2. $300 - Sponsor a hole (no play)

3. $400 - Enter a Team to Play (4 players - $100 ea)

4. Cash donations, Vouchers or prizes for the day and raffles

5. $1500-$5000 Major Golf Day Sponsor & esCarpade car exposure. Combination of cash donation to Golf Day & Prizes.

6. Singles can be catered for, if spaces are available ($100 ea).


Due to an overwhelming response, Registrations are now closed.


Friday 4th August, 2023 (or earlier if full)


  1. Richmond Club 1
  2. Richmond Club 2
  3. Drummond Golf
  4. RJ Home Improvements
  5. Team ACT Super Heroes
  6. Dural Legal Shy Stars 1
  7. Dural Legal Shy Stars 2
  8. BRC Concrete 1
  9. BRC Concrete 2
  10. Truckies
  11. i Thrive Business
  12. Lentrol Shopfitting
  13. TRS
  14. Jabba The Putt
  15. LNR Landscapes
  16. JD's Marine
  17. VIP Car Cleaning
  18. Mutt Dogs
  19. Grange's
  20. Hogan Engineering
  21. Singles

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